Thursday, January 30, 2014

Some of the Report-Out/Suggestions from My Arisia Panels

If you took my card at Arisia so that you could get the notes and/or book and movie suggestions from my panels, you may have already seen my post that I lost all of my notes due to technical/user error. (Never again will I take notes on my Google Nexus tablet--it's all paper and pen from here on.) 

With the help of some fellow panelists and audience members--and my memory--I'm able to provide SOME of the information I had collected. See below, by panel topic. I'm including panelist names, as they may have information on their blogs that you can refer to.

Read All the Things!
Panelists: Randee Dawn, Greer Gilman, Adam Lipkin (m), Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert, JoSelle Vanderhooft
The authors that were championed were: Jonathan Carroll, Angela Carter, Shirley Jackson, Octavia Butler, and Roger Zelazny. I championed Octavia Butler. The first works I read of hers were Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. I'd recommend starting there. If you have any questions about other works by Butler, feel free to contact me.

Zombies, More Zombies, and Even More Zombies
Panelists: Gayle BlakeJeanne Cavelos, Gail Z Martin, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert (m), Barbara A Woodward
We talked about:
• The appeal of zombies-- the themes they tend to convey, and how those things connect to our modern world.
• What do zombies represent today?
• Zombie evolution--Shambling vs. sentient; personality or not (i.e. the movie Warm Bodies)
• Variations on the zombie theme (i.e. the Borg)
• Lesser-known zombie works.There were many great suggestions for zombie works, which I've lost. Some are: Dan Shamble PI, Dead Set, Spoiler

Spirituality in Fantasy and Science Fiction
Panelists: Erik Amundsen (m), Max Gladstone, Kate Kaynak, Daniel Jose Older, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert
A lot of content came out of this panel. One of the books mentioned was A Canticle for LeibowitzChronicles of Narniaalso the Hyperion series. From my neo-Pagan perspective, I mentioned The Mists of Avalon and The Fifth Sacred Thing as works having influenced my spirituality. An audience member mentioned Dies the Fire.

I wish I could provide more... if any audience members or fellow panelists want to add more in the comments below, please do so!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Update on Report-Out from Arisia Panels...

So, I just posted the below to the Arisia Facebook group...

"Apparently, I saved ALL the notes from my panels incorrectly on my Google Nexus tablet. So, I have NO NOTES to share. I was purposefully taking notes/book-movie suggestions, etc. so that I could share them on my blog.

The panels I was part of were:
* Read All the Things
* Zombies, More Zombies & Even More Zombies
* Spirituality in F/SF
* Fear of Science--On the Rise?
* Get Off My Lawn: Backlash Against Progress in SF

If any of my fellow panelists or audience members have some notes to share, I'd appreciate it!

I'm SO GOING BACK to pen and paper. :-( "

I do have a few notes/things I remember, and I will post those. But I'm hoping to get some more info. from others. UGH! Sorry, and I'm SO mad at myself...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Placeholder for Report-out from Arisia...

Hi y'all! I know a dozen or so of you took my card at Arisia, so that you can access the lists of books/authors, zombie movie suggestions, and other notes from my panels. I promise it's forthcoming! I need to get my work life in order, deal with my kids, and get a writers' group submission in... then I'll be on it!

If you want to receive a notice when that blog post goes up, you can follow my blog and then a notice will go right to your inbox. Otherwise, check back in a week or so!

Thanks for the memories!

<3 Suzanne

In the meantime please accept this picture of my daughter with the Kaylee look-alike.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Some Writerly Announcements and Updates


Headed to the Arisia Conference in Boston today--"New England's Largest and Most Diverse Science Fiction and Fantasy Conference." Hubby and I are taking our kids this year. Hopefully it will work out OK and everyone will have fun!

I have some announces about the conference and some cool announcements related to my writing. If you want to jump down to the announcements, just scroll to the bottom...

First the Arisia announcements...

  • I belong to the group Broad Universe (BU), an international organization promoting women who write genre fiction. We are hosting an open party tonight at 8pm. If you're at the conference, come by and meet me and other 'Broads'! BU will also have a table in the dealers' room where you can find Broads hanging out throughout the weekend.
    BU parties always have THE BEST food!
  • Broad Universe also has an RFR (rapid fire reading) on Saturday at 1pm in the Hale room. These events are lots of fun! Twelve BU members read from their works. It's a great way to hear your favorite authors, and find your next favorite! I'll be reading from Interview with the Faerie to help promote my newly-released book of poetry.

Writing Updates

  • The issue of Creatio Fantastica that some of my work and an interview will appear in is scheduled to be released the last week of January. So, it's coming soon and be sure to check it out!
  • The second big update is that I have started a new novel! And I wrote my first sex scene! The new novel is an urban fantasy romance--not normally what I write. But the idea just struck me, and I've been moderately depressed over the lack of progress of my other WIP, Ownership of the Gods. I will be writing this new novel under a pseudonym. Stay tuned for more information on this!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Arisia 2014 Panel Schedule

Once again, I'll be attending Arisia--a science fiction and geek-culture convention in Boston. I love this con! Every year I am given the honor of being on such diverse and interesting panels. The composition is different every year! In the past, I've had many feminism-related panels. This year, I have none. I do have two science-related panels this year. And another zombie panel! I do love me them zombies :-)

Without further ado...

Read All The Things!

Literature, Panel — 1hr 15min — Faneuil (3W)
Sure, we have limited reading time, but there are some authors whose works clamor to be read in their entirety! Which authors? Come to this panel and find out! Each panelist will discuss the author whose complete works they deem absolutely essential. Come develop your reading list for the next year!

Randee DawnGreer GilmanAdam Lipkin (m), Suzanne Reynolds-AlpertJoSelle Vanderhooft

Zombies, More Zombies, and Even More Zombies

Fan Interest, Panel — 1hr 15min — Douglas (3W)
The past few years have seen a resurgence of zombies in print and media. Why? From The Walking Deadand Zombieland to Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy, what's the appeal? Do zombies still represent consumer culture as in Romero's films, or do they mean something different now? Come join the discussion on the origins and portrayals of zombies.
Gayle BlakeJeanne CavelosGail Z MartinSuzanne Reynolds-Alpert (m), Barbara A Woodward

Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading

Writing, Reading — 1hr 30min — Hale (3W)
Broad Universe is an international organization of women and men dedicated to celebrating and promoting the work of women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Come hear samples from the works of several members of the Broad Universe organization.
Terri BruceKelly HashwayRachel KenleyEllen LarsonCatherine LundoffGail Z MartinKT Pinto,Jennifer Allis ProvostSuzanne Reynolds-AlpertRoberta RogowConnie WilkinsTrisha Wooldridge,Phoebe Wray

Spirituality in Fantasy and Science Fiction

 Literature, Panel — 1hr 15min — Faneuil (3W)
The Chronicles of Narnia are famous for, among other things, incorporating many of C.S. Lewis's Christian beliefs. But did it inspire its readers to be more religious? Are there fans of fantasy and science fiction who look to their favorite works in times of crisis or to inspire their faith (or, possibly, lack there of)? What works of literature have people in fandom, whether Christian, Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, or none (or all) of the above, found formative to their beliefs?
Erik Amundsen (m), Max GladstoneKate KaynakDaniel José OlderSuzanne Reynolds-Alpert

Fear of Science—On the Rise?

Science, Panel — 1hr 15min — Alcott (3W)
Why do people fear science? What is this fear doing to our society? Is this fear on the rise, or has it always been around? And what, if anything, can be done to quell this fear?
Carl FinkAbby HaferRichard Moore (m), Suzanne Reynolds-AlpertAlexandra Thorn

Get Off My Lawn: Backlash Against Progress in SFF

Literature, Panel — 1hr 15min — Adams (3W)
Over the past few years, we've seen many a kerfuffle in genre that amounts to "you kids get off of my lawn". There are some who seem wedded to the SF/F they grew up with to the point of excluding anything or anyone new and progressive—which seems antithetical to the whole concept of science fiction! We'll discuss progress in genre and the backlash against it.
Mark L AmidonLila GarrottJames NicollDaniel José Older (m), Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert