I'm thrilled to
assist my friend and writing-critique-group member, Trisha J. Wooldridge (T.J.
Wooldridge), by revealing some tantalizing snippets from her upcoming first
novel, The Kelpie. And I'm also happy to be participating in her scavenger
hunt! Enjoy the snippet below--and thanks to Trish for letting me be a part of
~ Suzanne
Water sloshed as if someone were just getting
out from a swim. Rings rippled out from a bunch of plants moving
toward the shore. It slipped from the water, stepping up, revealing
the weed-covered body of a horse.
a horse. The nightmare of a horse. It curled its
lips. Beneath the greenish black lips were sharp, shark-like
teeth--not the teeth of gentle, hay eating horses.
eyes reflected – or glowed – red in the sun.
"Suzanne is a
member of my critique group, Traveling Java, who were key in making The
Kelpie a reality—and making easier the lives of my Spencer Hill Press
editors, Vikki and Laura. Suzanne also happens to be the only mom in
our group, who also happens to have children around Heather's and her siblings'
ages, so she was especially helpful in making sure my parenting bits were
accurate! Thank you, Suzanne!"